Swiss Remote Sensing Days 2023

A gathering for the Swiss remote sensing community taking place on September 4th-6th 2023, at SQUARE, St.Gallen.

The Swiss Remote Sensing Days (SRSD) is a gathering for the Swiss remote sensing community, initialized by the Swiss Commission on Remote Sensing. It is a platform to allow exchange among young and established researchers, active in the understanding of our environment and society through images acquired by a variety of sensors, from satellites in space all the way to drones and cameras in mobile phones.

During this three day event, young researchers (typically PhD candidates) will interact with senior researchers and present their latest results, as well as participate in community building activities, which will prepare them for active life in the area of remote sensing.

We are excited that the event will start in a few days! This website has been updated with all relevant information. If, however, you still have any questions, please feel free to reach out!

The official program is now available for download here! (You will receive a printed copy at the meeting, so there is no need to print it.)

Location & Date

The SRSD 2023 will be taking place:

Key Topics


The official program is now available for download here!

In a nutshell, the program looks as follows: We are happy to announce the following keynote speakers for our meeting:

Research presentations will consist of 5-min lightning-style oral presentations and subsequent poster presentations to enable detailed discussions. Presenters, please bring a printed poster (any format will do, feel free to reuse already available posters) and a few slides for your lightning talk (pdf only, please). Please check the program to see when your presentation is scheduled.

Some logistic details: Lunches and dinners listed above are all included in the participation fee, there will be no additional cost. We will try our best to accommodate all dietary restrictions (vegan/vegetarian, gluten-free options) in the menus served. Please provide your meal preference in the circulated spreadsheet document ahead of the meeting!

Abstract Submission - closed!

SRSD is an event for the Swiss community to share their science and results, but without the extra peer review burden of a traditional conference.

Therefore, we solicit abstract contributions corresponding to papers presented in 2022/23 at major remote sensing conferences or published in top tier remote sensing journals. Examples are IGARSS2022/23, the ISPRS congress, AGU/EGU, Remote Sensing of Environment, IEEE TGRS, etc.

If you are interested in a last-minute abstract submission, please contact the organizers!

Registration - closed!

The official registration window has closed but you may still register for the meeting for a short time on our registration website: Please pick your appropriate rate, fill in the requested information and pay for your registration; note that you can only pay with a VISA/Mastercard and that registration fees are non-refundable. You will receive an invoice for your payment, but this may take a bit (we have to trigger this process manually and summer holiday season is coming up quickly). Registration is not limited to those who submitted abstract, so feel free to sign up today!

Hotels and Accommodation

We recommend the following affordable locations for staying overnight in St. Gallen: Also, please feel free to check out various hotel booking websites. If your budget is limited, please consider sharing your accommodation or investigate locations in nearby towns.

Previous Meetings


In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers: Michael Mommert and Damian Borth


We thank our sponsors for making this event possible: